Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Grumble, bad blog software, should have used Domino!

Sorry for this post. I am really annoyed at Blogger for crashing(YET AGAIN) for the 3rd time in 3 days after I commit a post to the blog.
My bad, being lazy and not copying it before sending it.
You see insanity really is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
So I am now hunting for a Domino Host for my blog.
Anyone recommend one as I had not planned on opening our hosting site for another 3 months.


  1. Try Prominic...excellent track record!

  2. Thanks Wayne. I am sure the guys there are happy to hear you recommend them. If you work for them, thanks for reading and being proactive on the sales side.

  3. I can recommend Prominic as well, more than happy with them. Even have account for free for bloggers about Lotus software.
