One of our partners asked if we could test their Blackberry application for them.
Sure, send the files we will put it out there.
I do not have a Blackberry as readers will know, so I tend to fly blind a little bit and ask some nice people to let me know when they get the apps. Problem was no one got them. Historically I had to troll logs and other files, but that was in the past.
You see around the time of BES 4.1.5 a new column appeared in the BES Manager which was next to Software Configurations and is called Software Config Status which makes life much easier when trying to troubleshoot what went wrong with the OTA.
In this case 2 errors appeared, one asked for a new device.xml which I posted to Twitter looking for a file link which I couldn't find initially, and a second one which I thought could be useful since had recently changed physical servers.
See these 2 technotes about clearing the apploader cache and replacing the xml files:
Cannot push applications to a BlackBerry smartphone over the wireless network
How to update the device.xml and vendor.xml files
The last one was updated a month ago as of this writing.
And there is a configuration change, but you should have been using it anyway, policies for the software configuration are pretty much required now otherwise the apps do not get sent.
Sales pitch coming(he's gnawing at my feet I never ask for business, so here you go):
We monitor and maintain BES for a number of companies throughout the world, and keep them up to date, so if this is of interest, inquire within. For a small fee we maintain, monitor and upgrade your BES(including the Domino part) when available in addition to helping secure and distribute applications for your staff and clients.
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