Wednesday, August 17, 2011

21+ Easy ways to be an Admin Champion

Sam commented on this post about "How an Admin Could Sell Domino to Management" with the following:
Further to this, do you have a list of "easy wins" that you think every client should have installed? What would this list look like?
I'm thinking of things like Sametime, Swiftfile, Spell Check...and much more, but...when you do a new install, do you have a checklist that you follow?
 The simple answer is yes, there are basic things everyone should do, but do I have a checklist, not exactly. These won't necessarily make you an IBM Champion, but they should make you one in your company.

There are easy things to do but to really encourage usage, you need to give everyone the tools and then show them, teach them how to use them, in video, person or emails.

1) Sametime basic is still part of entitlement, use it if you don't have full Sametime, install this on your mail server or something else, anything else.

2) There have been add-ons like SwiftFile and then there are some great widgets produced for the Sidebar. While talking about the sidebar apps, see this post on a bunch of them and the prior one it links to as well.

3) Enable the Widget Catalog, AA's probably will like the Fedex, UPS tracking widgets as an example. There is a widget catalog available from a few places. Here is one, and another from IBM.

4) Sales people may like having the CRM app in the sidebar as well, you can pick a view, form or the whole db.

5) LiveText is also important as it can do so many things from using Google maps to locate addresses in emails to more integrated lookups like Linkedin. Here is a link to the docs on LiveText.

6) Policies make the help desk life easier, spell check enabled is a good start. Configure as many of the "default" settings which everyone will need. Think about every setting you configure for an install and you get the idea. You do configure the installs, even a little bit right? RIGHT?

7) Synch passwords, not just single sign on to Windows but also for iNotes. I thought I posted this but could not find it. Here is the Technote #1229510.

8) iNotes redirector - make it easy to remember,, see my iNotes tab for the posts on iNotes or the slides page for past presentations on it. (missing the slides, will find them and post shortly).

9) Managed replicas which is new in 8.5 will also make life easier, here's how.

10) Signatures, explain the differences and send an example for the company to use, or add it to the mail template for everyone as a default.

11) If you have a few minutes customize the company memo template fields with your company logo too.

12) Preload the personal names.nsf with connection docs for your servers for external and internal usage, if applicable.

13) Lotus Notes Traveler, just do it. Some recent BPs have made some other enhancements you may want to look into as well. Extracomm has one for OoO click here to learn more

14) Quickr connectors, if you use Quickr. See my slides from The View on how to pre list some places for new installs, it's towards the end.

15) Configure Activities if you have Connections installed. Disable it if you don't via policies.

16) Sametime online meetings, did you know you can pre define your conference line numbers in preferences settings? DO IT!  You can also add it to the calendar profile settings for users.

17) Also set up rooms and reservations, and make people use it to book conference rooms.

18) Explain how to save individual emails or drag n drop them to a Quickr site in connectors.

19) Remind users that the larger their inbox, the longer it takes to open and do anything, especially if working off the server.

20) Set up an external db for larger files for external clients to access, define login/passwords. Large companies have other methods but smaller ones just send it. Bad idea on many levels to the server, clients and your network bandwidth.

21) Security, enable your server for encryption, compression and do the same for the clients, again via policies.

No doubt there are ones I am forgetting and ones others set, please comment for everyone to learn.

Share because you care.

In short, the basics are there and if you did all of these, and these really are the basics, start looking at usage.

PS - If you don't need quotas, don't use them, biggest pain to users.

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