A few false starts along the way, but I basically found what I wanted to write about, in between bouts of technical enlightenment.
Some posts have been more fun than others and Fridays always brings new readers and some great comments, but 369 posts later, I still can't believe that averages out to one every other day, there are still things I want to post about.
Over the next month or so I expect to complete a revamp to this blog, in fact it is moving to a Domino Blog template finally. The domain name is booked and loaded, just trying to make the template more "me" but friendly to you as well.
Most likely the FudBuster Fridays posts(started 8/8/08), after I hit #52 will be stopping. I decided I wanted to write a year of them, sometimes they are about Lotus, Microsoft, Google, Sales and/or Business, sometimes just a quick note for your weekend like #42. Were it not for some ex-MS people Fudbuster Fridays would never have started in the first place. Maybe I will continue them, maybe not time will tell.
Some vital statistics for this blog:
1 baby of ours was born during this time and she is the cutest.

The pinball machine was finally rebuilt and played....and played...AND PLAYED.
I picked up an Ideapad S10e and that's our #2 laptop here in London and it is the best thing I bought last year.
Not sure what language "Unknown" is, but it's my 4th largest readership behind English, German and French(maybe it's all the Microsoft people). For you and others I hope the Google translation works "good enough".
Browser? Firefox 3 beats everybody by FAR... IE7, IE6, Chrome, Safari in that order follow.
Since tracking this site with Woopra from 11/2008 it's had almost 15,000 hits. For some that is a day or a month but while I endeavor to find more readers, I also am happy anyone reads it. After all who really wants to read a blog about Lotus, right? :-)
According to the great and powerful Planetlotus.org I have somehow managed to reach the top 10 +/- blogs in total hits for my posts. Go figure, I never did think I would get that far, after all who cares about what us admins think anyway?
Looking forward to the future and seeing everyone in Orlando or sooner if our paths can cross. Now on to my Domino 851 server to work on that blog template.
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