Documents? You want documents? Evidently you also want more screenshots(have to wait till I get home).
A number of questions got asked of me since my post this morning so here are more details for everyone.
Some of these will just be links to more details, yes, there are many details.
Lotus Notes Traveler official homepage at IBM. It has screen shots and some break down by device OS type.
First, this is the IBM Wiki with the Android Limitations and Restrictions.
Second, this is the overview part of the Wiki on Lotus Notes Traveler(aka Android's)
Third, What's new doc for
IBM Mobile Connect is also supported and advised for those that want access to their Domino applications.
Lastly, although I could not find it in any document, many people report that encrypted mail support is NOT available. The line below sums it up:
"no encryption support on traveler for android. You can sign mails on mobile, but can't send or read encrypted mail."
Jan Kenney in this blog post says:
Ensuring the security of company information is a top priority for every Lotus Notes Traveler release, and is no exception. Lotus Notes Traveler synchronizes data (in transit) via secure HTTPS connection and stores the data (at rest) in encrypted form on the Android device. Lost or stolen devices can be remote wiped; either the entire device or just the Lotus Notes Traveler information. Administrators can monitor the mobile user community -- by name, password, device type, build version -- all from a single point of control and allow or deny access for users based on company defined policies.
If anyone has more input on this subject, please let me know and I will edit accordingly.