Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sorry about that Calendar Invite

Those who received it were probably quite puzzled.

I know I was, especially since it went out from my personal email and not my corporate one.

While it set off all kinds of amusing emails in response, a number of things happened within a close proximity to each other and we are trying to work out what caused it. Especially since I was not logged into Notes or Gmail at the time of the incident.

No I don't have an iPad or iPhone or Android device but am using 852 traveler(Windows Mobile) and template.

What I did find was a iCal overlay of a Gmail account which I use for demos that seems to have sucked in a calendar appointment that should not have gone there.

We continue to investigate the situation because coincidentally I lost all 5,216 contacts from my phone. Not from Notes or iNotes just my phone. Had to reinstall Traveler to fix it.


  1. Did you say you had Windows Mobile... from Microsoft :)

    That's it.. no need to do further research.. I was using Outlook and ton of emails were sent to all my contacts... I guess they found how to send "SPAM" from win device

  2. 5, 216 contacts? For real? No, seriously? Are all of them still alive?

    If it is any conciliation, a week or so ago, I had a similar invite from Ed Brill. I ignored that one just as promptly as I ignored yours.

  3. Luis, but this was a cal invite not an email. I think an ical issue.

    Alex, hopefully they are all still alive, I do clear out a bunch every now and then(especially with recent contacts being added) but at one point I just kept moving 20+ years of email addresses and phone numbers and well it gets kind of large.

    We knew about Ed's and thus my belief something is funny.
