Friday, February 17, 2012

Read The Fine Print

The devil is in the details they say.

Sometimes in business we go out of our way not to be responsible or exempt specific cases or situations.
On the customer side we find out the warranty we thought we had really is not so useful or the insurance we were told would cover medical issues really does not.

The next step is to find someone to blame. Usually the vendor says it is your fault for not reading in details the 100's of pages of legalese.

I await a reply from AC Delco about a 6 year battery warranty I have on my dying car battery. While I would like to think it will replace it, most likely I will get some partial refund. But still, what's the point?

This week's Parsha, Mishpatim, elaborates on the 10 commandments found in last weeks reading. Some legal guidelines are discussed around animals, stealing, marriage, servants/employees and other items where the responsibility is clearly written.

Luckily we do not stick to this aspect, Exodus 21:23-25:
23. But if there is a fatality, you shall give a life for a life,  
24. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot,  
25. a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, a bruise for a bruise.
And instead provide for compensation of a monetary form. yet there are those in the world that still hold to such ideas.

When did we stop taking responsibility for our actions and those of our employees or pets? Why do vendors hide behind their paperwork instead of admitting a mistake and trying to rectify it.

It is not so bad to admit you were wrong or broke something although it can be an expensive admission.

When I train sales or technical people I stress that they must admit what they do not know when asked. Lying to your client or potential client will only cause more problems later. Take responsibility for your actions and those of your house, office or farm and your client may respect you more.

Parsha Mishpatim in the book of Shemot Exodus 21:1 - 24:18

It is said that the Torah or Bible could be interpreted in over 70 ways. More likely these days 100's of ways. In light of this idea, I am writing some posts that bring a business sense to what we can learn on a weekly basis. Enjoy, Shabbat Shalom

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