I can't even begin to tell you all the things we saw and learned, and that was before Engage even started,
Highlights include:
Forgot to add this: Restyle. It will update your old Domino applications appearance and give it a modern look in minutes! Totally cool!
- Project Keep is back
- R13.0 is a 2024 thing, with 12.02 being out by Q4-22 and 12.03(or maybe 13 if they change their mind) in 2023.
- The designer client is getting redone(no idea what that means) for the 2023 time frame,
- When I asked about the admin client, it was missing from Barry Rosen's slide. I got some interesting answers, so something is brewing, but no date is planned, so think R13. For that keeping score, Tim Clark is PM for Admin client.
- 12.02 I think they said they will have Busytime lookups for O365 invitees, maybe 12.03, either way, this is great and needed by everyone.
- More DKIM and SPF, and DMARC parts are coming soon.
- Verse 3.0 is out soon(June). Less iNotes more purposeful built things in it. Read the Read me file as Agnes said, Beta for Verse means something is included but not default turned on. So check it out and RTFM.
- HCL VOLT MX GO was announced to help customers connect more parts of their world to Domino and vice versa. Jason Gary did a pitch about the name at Engage. If you remember the 90s/00s when we had Domino Go Server and similar things, you get what this is about.
- Verse mobile is the Traveler client. Confusing? Yes, is it going to be changed? No.
- In my session, half the room was already on R12, and I would think many of the customers that attended were as well.
- Sametime 12 is available. It only runs in a container.
- HCL is pushing out ALL the 3 tiers of languages on the GA dates, unlike IBM, which made everyone wat 30/60/90 days.
- Certifications and HCL Training are coming back, Luis Guirigay's slides should be reviewed for more details. Engage will be posting the slide decks shortly.
- Talk about having a by default ODS update built into the client when you install it.
- The ability to swap who is sending the email is getting enhanced further.
- Just a reminder, 12.01 had a names.nsf template update you want to use, especially if you are working on a TOTP plan.
- Nomad will not require Safelinx any longer, thanks to the dev team that said "we can do this" and they did!
- Chocolate is good, free chocolate is better, but free beer is the best.
I went into the event relatively neutral but left very upbeat and impressed by HCL and what they are saying and showing. While I may disagree with the dev first mentality, I am, after all, a long-time (29 years?!) messaging and an admin person.
If you do not go to these types of events, where everyone from Richard Jefts down to the sales and tech staff is accessible, you are missing out on having yourself heard.
My time with Richard, was really insightful. Then again, so were my discussions with Barry, Andrew, Scott, Michael, Luis, and many more people, even the great Gareth Cook of the iNotes Redirector fame.
Thank you to Theo and Hilde for once again putting on a great event and making everyone feel comfortable and happy to be part of the extended Yellowverse family.
Lastly, I want to thank Martin Vogel for presenting with me. It was his first time presenting at Engage and his first time presenting in English. He nailed it. I will be posting our tips over the next few weeks because Slideshare no longer works the way it used to, and some of the tips should be searchable and not hidden in a presentation.