Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Quickplace to Quickr Migrations

Seems there are still some companies a little behind in their upgrading.

I hadn't realized it was this long ago, because the international one just ended.
Formal announcement here.

Effective October 10, 2007, IBM withdrew from market the IBM Lotus QuickPlace offering. Lotus Support coverage will be available through April 30, 2010.

Customers who hold current licenses for IBM Lotus QuickPlace will renew to IBM Lotus Quickr software. For our Lotus QuickPlace customers, Lotus Quickr software both builds on the strengths of Lotus QuickPlace and provides an expansion of its capabilities. Please see the Lotus Quickr Web site to learn more.

And then support was pulled:

Effective April 30, 2009, IBM will withdraw support from the following product releases licensed under the IBM International Program License Agreement:
5724-H80     6.5.1            QuickPlace
5724-H80 6.5.1 QuickPlace
5724-J24 7.0.0 IBM Lotus QuickPlace
5724-J24 7.0.0 IBM Lotus QuickPlace

So if you find yourself wondering what to do, let me know and we can help you to go to Lotus Quickr or whatever you want to move your data to. We have helped companies multinational and local to upgrade their Lotus infrastructure. It takes less time and money than you imagine to bring you to the modern web 2.0 world.

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