
Monday, April 28, 2014

Showing Your Hand (IBM Impact OGS)

The show opened up with Tangerine Bank from Canada spending some time describing their Worklight roll out of a voice authentication system, among other benefits.

"Raising the bar on what customer experience should be in mobile banking." from their CTO

Nice not to hear from an IBMer first. And that seemed to be the sentiment from many around me.

Start with how people are extending the products, before you get to what's new with products or any other marketing fluff.

We talked about Building Block Approach. We used to say it was the Best of Breed. Time adjusts the verbiage, but the meaning never changes.

This year the show seems more open and forward thinking than last year's.

Robert LeBlanc than came out and demo'd the new IBM Marketplace.

And proceeded to open an account and provision a VM as his demo to show how easy it is. Granted basic server not a full SSL/VPN setup but for those who still do not believe it is as easy as we tell you, well, it is.

Cars2Go from Daimler outlined a direction where cars are more available for you when you need it and where you need it. If Google did autonomous driving cars this could be fun. Especially after a party night at a conference, I mean with friends.

Mobile Quality Assurance experience was shown to help figure out why people do not like your app. Comparison to competitors and other issues.

Everything is analytics, if you are not doing analytics you are can not move forward. having said that, getting the core logic and data with analytics takes time and effort. If you want to WOW your customers, think about yourself and what makes you excited.

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